
Young Writers Society

Natural Militia

About Natural Militia

I'm relatively new to writing recreationally. I used to write a lot before I got into challenging courses at my school, and now I'm trying to get back into it. I look at writing as a rare opportunity for me to explore unique topics that I would otherwise not touch with a 50-foot pole.

A lot of care and revision will go into every piece I put on this site. I hope that the good people here will be able to show me how to improve it. The first thing I posted here (with the exception of something I posted 3 years ago before I took a long hiatus from writing) was a short story I wrote for a course at my school, actually.

Overall, expect dark, grim, and disturbing things from me. I will not be afraid to go into the disturbing details, no matter what they are.


Mathematics Logic and Reasoning Technology Creative Writing (obviously, since I'm on this site).


High school student (specifically studying computer science)

As the notifications drift in I stop and wonder. Why do they take so long? Do they have adventures we don't know about? I bet they do. When they come I will ask myself. What amazing adventure has this straggling notification been on? How far did it travel, and why didn't it take me?
— TypoWithoutCoffee